A Completely Natural Cure And Prevention Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Many people are likely to have heard of probiotics. Probiotics are important for digestive health. Moreover, they help with the prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis. They make a first-rate protection for the human body from bad bacteria. The vagina resembles the digestive tract. How? It has numerous good bacteria and bad bacteria in equilibrium.Lactobacillus is one bacteria that maintains the good health of the vagina and thwarts vaginal infection. Too much bad bacteria, other microbes, or insufficient lactobacilli can result in vaginal imbalance and cause bacterial vaginosis. Possible reasons for this imbalance are improper hygienic measures, bareback, and hormonal changes.

Bacterial vaginosis raises the vagina’s pH and results inprickly and burning feelings, a peculiar stench and a whitish discharge.

There is scientific proof that probiotics can cure and prevent Bacterial vaginosis

More than a few studies have established the effectiveness of oral and vaginal probiotics for the treatment and prevention of BV.

So, there issufficient scientific proof of the efficiency of probiotics inBV. Several studies reveal thatquite a few probiotics can add to the population of vaginal lactobacilli and reinstate a normal vaginal microbiome. Some such probiotics are:

  • Intravaginal lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1
  • Oral lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14

Moreover, the studies recommend oral probiotics.

With bowel movements, oral probiotics exit the GI tract and enter the vaginal tract. Thus, oral probiotics are likely to be effective in replacing vaginal probiotics.

Given that probiotics can reinstate a normal vaginal microbiome, they are likely to help

  • Thwart VB from recurring
  • Treat VB

However, there aren't any strong rules on the probiotic doses for treating VB. A certified gynecologist is the best person to suggest the right dose.

A very beneficial finding from the studies is that probiotics thwart VB in more women sans any detrimental reactions.

How do women take a probiotic supplement that has lactobacillus for VB?

Foods products often have too small doses and cannot help thwart or cure BV. As a result, a supplement with a definite concentration of bacteria is better.

As we have discussed above, there are oral probiotic supplements that havelactobacillus. They are also available as powders. Natural health stores also have probiotic suppository capsules. The users can insert the capsules into their vagina with an applicator.

Below, we discuss a vaginal suppository from Flora for treating BV. The product's name is vagicare probiotic, and it is available on vitasave.ca.

A great vaginal suppository to treat VB

Flora Vagicare Probiotic is a natural product for treating and preventing BV. The suppositories help relieve symptoms of BV, burning feeling, odor, prickly feeling, and dryness. They also help reinstate and sustain a normal vaginal microbiome.

Vagicare Probiotic Capsules contain probiotics that are "good" bacteria. They make sure that "bad" bacteria do not proliferate. In this way, they help sustain a strong vaginal PH.

Moreover, the suppositories do not have Gluten or GMO. An applicator is included in the pack.


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