Combat Excessive Stress And Negative Fight Or Flight Response With Natural Supplements

 Your body has two responses when it faces danger. Either fight or flight (escape). These responses get triggered by a hormone in the body called Norepinephrine. The hormone helps the body to stay balanced and healthy. It restores the calm feeling in the brain.

However, too much release of this hormone is not good for overall health. High Norepinephrine leads to high pressure and increased blood rate. It can cause unnecessary stress to the organs, disrupt sleep patterns, and cause high blood sugar and even severe headaches. Therefore, supplements are essential to lower Norepinephrine when the body cannot do it on its own.

High Levels Of Noradrenaline Are Bad

High levels of noradrenaline or Norepinephrine can cause a series of health issues. For instance, it can lead to high blood pressure-induced hypertension, excessive sweating, irregular heartbeat, cold skin, nervousness and severe headaches. Ignoring the problems can even lead to adrenal gland tumours.

Combat The Outcomes Of The Negative Fight Or Flight Response

Out of all the factors that contribute to adrenal fatigue, we can cure and resolve some of them. We are aware of the stressors in our life. We can identify them and take steps to deal with them. This relaxation response will naturally help people deal with anxiety and panic attacks.

Natural healing methods include words of affirmation, yoga, and exercising, among many others. Studies say that engaging in such practice lowers blood pressure.

Anxiety And Disturbed Sleep Patterns Plague The Lifestyle

We know how important it is to get full rest. It recharges our body and helps us to function better every day. If the norepinephrine levels in the body are off the charts, it becomes difficult for a person to get adequate rest and sleep.

Increased Norepinephrine triggers the brain to go into a fight or flight response. It makes the person anxious and jittery. They get restless and may even suffer from panic attacks. For people with diagnosed anxiety disorders, this phenomenon can get highly exaggerated.

Such people can take supplements to increase dopamine and curb Norepinephrine's synthetic production. The brain gets a boost signal from the natural supplements reducing stress hormone production. It helps the person to feel relaxed. It can lead to increased production of the relaxing hormone.

Unusual Levels Of Hormones Leads To Sleep Disorders

Moreover, people with abnormal levels of Norepinephrine suffer from wakefulness. It causes poor sleep habits and insomnia. Insomnia, in turn, results in fatigue and bodily dysfunctions. It is quite important to have a healthy sleep cycle.

With the correct supplements and exercise, one can reset their REM cycle. In this way, they can tackle the stress and feel more relaxed. The two are interconnected.

Supplements For Improved Mood And Rest

Using supplements helps to boost the synthesis of creatine and dopamine. The first hormone improves energy levels and aids in cognitive abilities. The latter keeps the mood of an individual happy and motivated.

A well-rested person does not feel stressed. If any person is not getting adequate sleep, it will trigger stress. The stress, in turn, will cause insomnia. This vicious cycle will stop with proper diet, supplements and the right amount of exercise.


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